Saturday, August 24, 2013

To Be, Not Wannabe!

To be, or wannabe that is the question!

Every home is a school; what do you teach? Who we are and our attitudes lead our children. So, in learning to inspire we need to begin with ourselves. It is tough to look in the mirror and ask ourselves if we really want children who grow up like us. I am sure we all could improve. We need to be honest with ourselves. In reality, we are the only ones we have total control over to change.

How can we expect our children to be refined, articulate, and magnanimous if we are just wannabes? Yes, wannabes! We are wannabes if we "want to be" better, but do not move in that direction. We really do need to become the change we wish to see in our children. As we overcome and become, we show our children the path to progress.

There are no silver bullets, easy quick solutions, or guarantees. After all, Heavenly Father is perfect and 1/3 of his children rebelled. However, we know that the children we have are ones that did not rebel. He wants them to return to Him, and He stands ready to help you and inspire you in your great and sacred mission. I am reminded by Kathleen Bahr (author of Family Work), that like Nephi we are building a home (he was building a ship), but not after the manner of men. Nephi went to the mount oft and we need to do so too. Also, we are told in the scriptures "train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it."

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