Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Moor House Path to Writing

In 2002, when we launched our school, we developed a basic writing program for the children. We wanted writing to be a tool that children would use. We also realized that attitude and individual development play a large role in writing proficiency.

In the early years, before school age, we suggest parents keep journals, share family history stories with their children, write letters, post messages to family, keep lists, and take inventories of possessions.

The following is the process we use to develop writing. Sure, all of these can be done on line. This writing process helps children grasp the constructing or the encoding of communication. Hand writing also develops more brain connections than typing and builds better memory capacity.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

He is Risen!

The Gospel is the Good News that 

Jesus marked the path and led the way back to the Father.

Jesus atoned for our sins and afflictions!

He is Risen!!!

He unlocked death and Hell!

On this Easter Morn it is time to be of good cheer and Rejoice!!!

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

"Progress, and improve upon and make beautiful... "

“Progress, and improve upon and make beautiful everything around you. Cultivate the earth, and cultivate your minds. Build cities, adorn your habitations, make gardens, orchards, and vineyards, and render the earth so pleasant that when you look upon your labors you may do so with pleasure, and that angels may delight to come and visit your beautiful locations. In the mean time continually seek to adorn your minds with all the graces of the Spirit of Christ.” 

Brigham Young